Why is it that Jeb Bush, with all of his credentials, his presidential bloodline and his maturity, is not gaining popularity in the polls?

Why is it that Jeb Bush, with all of his credentials, his presidential bloodline and his maturity, is not gaining popularity in the polls and is overshadowed by far less experienced, possibly less qualified or less capable candidates to be the next President of the United States?

In this morning's LA Times, (10/29/15) in his own search for his ineffectiveness, Jeb stated that he wished he was a better "talker".  "Some people are talkers, and others are doers and I'm a doer". Or words to that effect.  While he may be right, here is my take on why he's not being well received, after 48 years of dressing more than 5,000 men, many very famous and at the top of their game.  My speech and seminars outline success stories including research that points to how the clothing we wear determines the level at which we perform. People actually score higher in tests taken when dressed up, than when sloppy casual!  Additionally, the other side of the coin is the  outcomes we get, based on how we are received instantly by others!  Our performance levels and our outcomes are in large part a result of how we craft and project our own image!  

First and foremost, we are all entertainers and performers, and secondarily, accomplished experts in our chosen field.  Imagine Elvis Presley if he'd remained in blue jeans and a denim shirt. He would still be a great singer, but without his costumes , would he have taken the music world by storm, and still be remembered as the King of Rock and Roll?.

Jeb Bush doesn't look or act "Presidential".  His clothing doesn't project self confidence or the position or "rank"  he seeks.  It's important to dress like the person you want to become!   Our civilian suits indicate our "rank", just as with uniforms in the military! They tell others what they can expect from us.  Jeb doesn't "appear" to be a General and is visually perceived as a lower ranking officer if not a "Private", in spite of his being an experienced Governor. I submit that his confidence, or apparent lack of the forcefulness of his personality, is in large part a "reflection" of how people are responding to him.  If he looked more "Presidential", people would respond to him as though he was "Presidential" and he would begin to act accordingly; more sure of himself, more dynamic, more authoritative.  His body language would change, his timing of his responses, the meter of his dialogue.  I've watched and played a part in this "transformation" process, so I know how it works!

Benefits to dressing up come both from within, and from outside response:  From within, recent research studies show that people perform at a higher level when they are well dressed. They think and "perform" on a higher level.  Controlled tests show that people score up to 50% higher when they take a test while dressed up. (See Atlantic.com, April 30th, 2015)
The outside response is that others interacting with us form an instant opinion by what they see which in large part is the clothing we wear.   The "sale" is often made in a matter of seconds, whether it's to buy a product or a service or even a new President!

Specifically to his clothing, Jeb doesn't present a look of authority. Like many men, his shoulder width doesn't quite correspond to the shoulder width that fits his off-the-rack chest size.  His shoulders are more narrow than the width of the jacket shoulder and his slightly round back causes the collar box of his jacket to ride off the back and side of his neck, rather than firmly hugging the back of his neck.  The shoulders of the suit droop over the edge of his shoulders, giving him a "forlorn" look.  Notice in the photo the difference in the cut, the pad, the clean workmanship of Mitt Romney's suit.  Mr. Romney has a look of authority and  looks presidential!  (Mitt's lack of traction in his own election attempts is another subject!) 
Jeb's suit is likely custom made and is not a horrible fit. It just has no "imagination"!  Tailoring is an "art", as well as a "science"!   His suit needs an inch less shoulder width (ironically, to make his shoulders appear wide enough to fill out the jacket) with a harder better defined pad.  The workmanship in the way the sleeve head meets the shoulder, is a tell tale of quality, and say's "average", rather than "exceptional"!  The waist button location of Jeb's suits should be 1/2 inch lower, giving him a leaner more athletic and elegant look, rather than a school boy uniform all buttoned up to stay warm!  Most of his jackets have too much fullness in the chest, by an inch, and the armhole is too low and the sleeves too wide.   His jackets should be 1 inch smaller around the circumference of the waist with more shaping for a more "in shape" athletic stronger appearance.  His jackets all fit differently, so it doesn't appear that he is loyal to a good tailor. 

His shirt collar should be slightly less wide spread, for the shape of his face and more importantly, sit slightly higher on his neck, both in front and in back.  (Think James Bond!).  The colors he wears and the shirt and tie combinations are too safe and have nothing in common with the suit.  A charcoal suit shouldn't have a blue tie unless the tie has charcoal and blue and is best with a blue shirt. Burgundy ties, or burgundy and charcoal ties, with a white shirt, would be more dynamic, than a " Mr." Nice guy" blue.  The blue tie with the red dots is the wrong shade of blue.  The reverse, a red or burgandy tie with blue designs, would have been the ticket!  Jeb needs "dynamic!".  You would recognize him if he was properly put together!

Jeb looks better with either no glasses, or different glasses.  He should have Lasik surgery or trade in his rimless glasses for a bold authoritative black or charcoal frame. His silver hair ages him, but if he accents it properly, with his glasses, his shirts, ties and suits, he can use his maturity as a "Plus".  

This country needs experience but people respond to "dynamic".  Visual Image accounts for 85% of how people make their decisions, and it's usually instant and rarely changes!  It's not as much about what we "say", as about what others "see"!

Stay tuned for thoughts on other Presidential candidate's images. 

For more information, or to refer Jeb Bush or another good candidate for our services, go to www.gregchapman.com or call 310-657-8487 for a consultation to discuss your image and your clothing.  Ask about our unique Wardrobe Plan Program.  It's the "Smart Approach" to Clothing.

Greg Chapman frequently addresses top Professional Organizations as a Key Note speaker.  He was voted #1 Speaker by Entrepreneur Organization.
His message can be transforming:
You can Change your Life by Changing your Clothes: The Six Elements of Dressing for Success

For speaking engagement bookings, email: greg@gregchapman.com
Greg Chapman 
has been seeing clients in his Beverly Hills shop and taking orders by phone for his perfect fitting custom clothing for 47 years. 


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