How well do you project your image?

Each of these former U.S. Presidents were at one time the most powerful man in the world! Although only one stands out as well dressed! Which one do you think?  The real question is: Why wouldn't every man want to take steps to look his most successful best?
The overall result of how well a man looks in a suit is first of all how well the suit is cut to address the hundreds of unique aspects of his physique and proportions including  his posture, his overall shape, the slope of his shoulder, the relative relationship between his chest size and his shoulder width, the forward or backward hang of his arms, the shape of his seat, and so much more. Less than 1 man in  20  have a physique that comes close to a standard formula for an "average" shape and "average" measurements, which produces pre-manufactured off the rack clothing.

If you'll study the individual aspects of the fit of each suit: : the shoulder width, sleeve length, jacket length, jacket waist circumference, waist button location, sleeve lengths, pant length, pant cut, you'll see how important it is that every area be perfect for the overall effect to come together in a well fitting suit.

Most tailors get it wrong, either because they're simply modifying standard patterns, or simply don't have the keen eye or the cutting skill  to engineer a suit to drape and fall perfectly! Then, there are the other important  elements of the quality of workmanship, whether he's wearing his best colors, how the patterns in his suit, shirt and tie are combined, and much more.

The ancient art of tailoring in the hands of the right designer can produce an altogether superior result than a mass manufactured suit purchased off-the-rack or a semi-custom made-to-measure suit, made from a standard pattern.  Discover the incredible advantages of superior fit, lifelong quality, and time saving convenience that comes with our 48 year approach to making perfect fitting custom clothing without need of fittings or alterations.  Discover our unique optional  Wardrobe Plan program that builds and maintains a business, formal and casual wardrobe at savings of up to 33%.

See or call to schedule a get acquainted appointment. You might invite us to evaluate the fit and style of your favorite best fitting suit.  

Greg Chapman is available as a speaker at an upcoming conference or to your professional organization:  His presentation is 30 to 45 minutes entitled:  The Six Elements of Dressing for Success.  Call or email for a brochure. 


  1. Thanks you for sharing this unique useful information content with us. Really awesome work. keep on blogging

    Men's Clothing


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